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You’re in the right place for inspiration, information on starting or growing your handmade business, and must-read tips on making money while doing what you love.

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As a small business owner, this is one question that I know you might be asking.

Do you wait until you’ve set up your Etsy shop?

Or until you’ve gotten three pages worth of products in your shop?

Maybe you should only start promoting it after you’ve gotten some testimonials and feedback…

In today’s short video, I’ll give you my take on when you should start promoting (any) business!

What do your products do for people?

Are your customers excited when they receive your package in the mail?

Do they feel so happy that they’re grinning ear to ear and they can’t wait to show your work off to their family?

As the maker, we’re left with a lot of responsibilities to uphold. 

Unfortunately most people selling a handmade product online don’t think about that, and it’s costing them sales, repeat customers and long-term success.

Most makers understand they’re required to craft the product and …

Running your own business is hard work.

Especially when you have no one to answer to, you’re your own boss!

The problem we have is not knowing the answers to the questions that live in your head.

One of those questions that I get asked by my clients over and over again is a big juicy one that I bet is on your mind too:

Should you raise your prices?

In today’s video, I’ll share with you my thoughts on this.

It’s a short one and it’ll …

It’s no secret that you want to get more traffic to your shop, right?

How do other people do it?

And most importantly, how can you do it too?

When you get more targeted traffic to your shop, it’s a given that your sales will go up, up, up!

In this post, I’ll uncover the top 4 ways to get insane traffic to your shop, so you can start implementing them in your marketing!

Unlock a Profitable Handmade Business in Just 12 Weeks Without using Etsy or Social Media

Don’t chase success the hard way. Follow the same simple step-by-step system that I used to build multiple 6- and 7-figure online handmade businesses. Even if you hate selling, don’t have a large following, and aren’t techy.

How to get influencers, bloggers and celebrities to make your product go viral  

How to create demand for your brand and products and turn customers into raving fans

How to automate your store, reach more customers and make sales while you sleep




Secret #1

Secret #2

Secret #3