As creatives, we craft our wares with care.
Thoughtful care with each stitch, each brush stroke, each spin of the potter’s wheel.
And then there’s that day: the one where you present your wares to the rest of the world on your card table, dressed up and ready for shoppers at your most recent craft show.
And then it happens: it’s that crucial moment where we have SELL.
If you get the sweats when you hear this four letter word, I have 5 tips to make the sale without feeling icky.

Take a deep breath
I know, I know.
This sounds so cliche.
But it works.
Breathing is important. We are aware, but a focused, calming breath can center your mind on what’s really happening today.
You’re showing your wares: those carefully crafted ones. It’s supposed to be fun.
Now let’s do it together: INNNNNNNNN and OUUUUUUUT.
You can do something that no one else can do.

You can do something that no one else can do
Remember you have a talent.
It’s easy to sit in your folding chair, scout the booth next to you and feel a lil’ insecure.
Here’s what you must know: you can do something that no one else can do.
Talent is subjective, sure, but you and your products are special.
And this special skill is worth celebrating, both by you as the creator and by those you choose to share it with.
Let’s say only 10% of the world’s working folks identify as artists, that means 6.6 billion people don’t do what you can do.
And when you think about it that way, your skills seem pretty darn special, right?
You have a talent.
Own it.

Approachable people sell more
The simple act of turning up the corners of your mouth can do wonders for your sales.
It’s science: people cannot resist a smiling face.
There’s serotonin, neuropeptides, and other brain chemicals attached to smiling.
Your brain is happier when you’re smiling.
Legit science, people.
Rid yourself of resting booth face and smile more (all the time).
It makes you and your booth approachable, and approachable people sell more.

Sales is simply an exchange of confidence (remember this).
This is my personal definition of sales: “An exchange of confidence.”
Let’s break it down: You have confidence in your talent (see #2).
Your buyers have confidence in your talent.
Simply put, selling your products is an exchange of that confidence.
Focusing on that smile, that confidence and your talent is the easiest way to get the ick out of selling. (We’re all feeling so good right now, right?)

Confidence is contagious
Share your confidence.
That’s it, team. Share it.
You are talented, you used that talent to make some seriously awesome stuff, smile, stand up (take that deep breath) and tell the world about your great work.
This is how the sale happens.
Here’s what we know to be true: confidence is contagious.
Vince Lombardi (famed football guy) said this, and I say it too.
“When you have faith in something (in your wares, in your city, in your partner) others can’t help but feel it, believe in it and buy into it. Having confidence might not always be easy, but it’s essential.”
Laura Palmer // XO-LP
A writer of sorts, Laura Palmer is determined to spread the good word on the sale.
XO-LP, a collection of illustrations made with highlighters, markers and wit, is her one woman shop.
A lover of egg rolls, confetti cannons and the Papermate flair pen, Laura [a genuine mail nerd] and her tall, well-dressed husband live and work in their favorite city: Des Moines, IA.
See more of Laura’s work and follow her on Instagram to see drawings of her daily life.
Great Blog! This are very helpful.