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In the private Facebook group, Creative Marketing That Works (you should join! Here’s how), writing your about page is something that comes up often.

Your about page on your site is one of the most important pages there is.

The pressure is on to make sure your about page is the best it can be.

It can often be a matter of making or breaking the sale.

I’m about to share with you some of the common mistakes I see with about pages.…

How to deal with online bullies and haters

Do you have an online bully or hater on your heels?

I’ve gotten my fair share of eff you emails from people complaining about my prices or just being mean spirited for no good reason.

The more you grow your business, the more likely you’ll come across a troll or two.

If you have a thick skin, you probably deal with this pretty well.

But for all of us sensitive folks, an encounter with an online bully can bring you down and suck your energy like a …

How to keep up with social media changes

Do you get frustrated every time Facebook releases algorithm changes?

One day you’re told you need to post links.

The next, you’re supposed to avoid URLs like the plague.

How can anyone keep up with social media changes?

As small business owners, you don’t have time to scour the web for trade industry articles and keep tabs on what’s new with social media.

Don’t you just wish there was a simple and quick way to deal with upcoming social media changes?

I show you how to …

Did you know that making minor tweaks on your website can improve your sales by 200%?

The colors of your “add to cart” buttons, the navigation links on your website, where your contact information is shown.

These are only just a few things that may seem inconsequential at first.

But many studies and tests have been done to show that these website elements can make or break your bottom line.

Having a great website and shop are key to the success of your online creative business.

You …

Unlock a Profitable Handmade Business in Just 12 Weeks Without using Etsy or Social Media

Don’t chase success the hard way. Follow the same simple step-by-step system that I used to build multiple 6- and 7-figure online handmade businesses. Even if you hate selling, don’t have a large following, and aren’t techy.

How to get influencers, bloggers and celebrities to make your product go viral  

How to create demand for your brand and products and turn customers into raving fans

How to automate your store, reach more customers and make sales while you sleep




Secret #1

Secret #2

Secret #3