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You’re in the right place for inspiration, information on starting or growing your handmade business, and must-read tips on making money while doing what you love.

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It’s so impressive how AI has become such a big part of our lives lately, especially with the rise of so many AI tools over the past few years.

Take Shopify’s new Magic AI image editor, for instance.

This one can make any product photo look professional easily – all without the need to hire costly professional photographers and renting out big studios.

Now, I totally get if you’re a bit hesitant about using AI, especially since it’s not 100% infallible.

So, the big question is: …

Disclaimer: this blog post features quotes from an interview one of Creative Hive’s coaches, Alonda, did with Kat Wilmore, with certain parts edited for grammar. Head over to my YouTube video if you want to watch the entire interview.

If you’re an artist who sells your own art or paintings and you’re wondering how to make more sales online, then read this post below.

Let me introduce you to the incredible Kat Wilmore from PlantBasedPaintings.com. She has turned her passion for art into a handmade business …


Your small handmade business is now growing, with customers coming from all over the United States.

Now, what’s next on your business checklist?

Maybe it’s time to go international!

If you’re thinking about starting a handmade business online in 2021, I’m here to tell you that there has never been a better time. 

With that being said, there are 4 things you should know before jumping in and in this post, I’ll walk you through that. 

1. There’s a lot of Competition

There’s a ton of competition with online businesses right now.

Yes, this is true year after year but the competition is even more now because of COVID. 

Do you currently sell your products wholesale to brick and mortar stores but you’re wondering how you can make the most out of those buyer relationships?

That’s a great question because with just a few simple tweaks, you can make so much more money with the existing buyers that you already have.

Create a Custom Newsletter

My very first tip for you is to have a wholesale buyers only newsletter.

This is a great way to stay in touch with your wholesale buyers without having to email …

These four skills are the only ones you need to build a six-figure online store and beyond, whether you’re selling your art or your own physical products.

I’ve been in business since 2006 and I run four of them that make over a million dollars every year.

It hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t.

So if I can do it, you can absolutely learn these skills yourself.

When my business struggled to take off or during the times I came close …

Disclaimer: this blog post features quotes from my interview with Jen Street, with certain parts edited for grammar. Head over to my YouTube video if you want to watch the entire interview.

“So in 2020, we made $533. Going into 2021, that number grew to $32,000. And then last year completely blew us away. We made $140,000 last year, and that translates into roughly 4000 handmade angels that we sold.” – Jen Street, Forged Flare

I want to share with you an incredible story of a creative

Unlock a Profitable Handmade Business in Just 12 Weeks Without using Etsy or Social Media

Don’t chase success the hard way. Follow the same simple step-by-step system that I used to build multiple 6- and 7-figure online handmade businesses. Even if you hate selling, don’t have a large following, and aren’t techy.

How to get influencers, bloggers and celebrities to make your product go viral  

How to create demand for your brand and products and turn customers into raving fans

How to automate your store, reach more customers and make sales while you sleep




Secret #1

Secret #2

Secret #3