Need Help With Product Pricing?


You’ve finally acted on that idea you've been incubating in your head for quite some time.

I know that this is a super exciting time for you!

There's just one important factor you need to close out before you can proceed - PRICING.

And if you’re clueless about where to start, then I'm glad to tell you that you’ve come to the right place.  

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Pricing handmade has been a discussion among artisans for the longest time.

Did I scare you yet?

Pricing Makes -Or Breaks Your Business!

When Your Prices Are Too Low…

You won’t make enough money to stay in business as well as risk running a loss because you don’t have enough money to pay for your marketing.

Not to mention the perception you allow your customers to have about your products and brand: cheap, poor quality, low value, bargain buy, unmemorable.

When Your Pricing Is In The Middle…

You won’t make enough money to grow and you’ll forever be in that cycle of creating, selling, creating, selling, but never breaking out of it to create more and sell more because you don’t have enough money for more.

Yes, you do need to have more money to make more of it.

When You Price Too High…

You risk alienating customers.

You might get a sale every now and then and make big bucks, but the thought of when you’ll get your next sale scares you because your handmade items are not priced accessibly in your market.

Pricing is serious stuff, and deserves your attention if you want to build a sustainable business for the long haul.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to figure out all of this math...

Get my full product pricing guide plus my interactive product calculator. Just enter your email address below so I can send you these resources to your inbox!

I can help you price your products for profit & growth


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