Ready to earn a consistent income selling your

Handmade Products Online?

You can have a profitable business selling the products you love to make!

Build a profitable business online that financially takes care of you and the things and people you love?

Live life on your own terms filled with creativity, love, passion and the things you really care about. 

You want to have a creative life in the comfort of your own home.

You want to stop giving away all your money to Etsy because they take such a huge cut from the sales you make!

You want to stop stressing over keeping up with social media trends or algorithms

Do You Want To

I know you can’t imagine life without creating,

because I can't either.

I know you pour your heart and soul into the things you make and you dream of sharing that with the world and making an impact, because I'm that way too.

You know you have a good product … or, you think you do … you’re not even sure anymore because your craft shows and Etsy shop aren’t bringing in enough money to pay the bills, the kind of money your products could, and should, be bringing in.

but can’t figure how to stand out and get some traction among all the competition?

Do you love making things?

with the constant algorithm updates, trends to keep up with, and low visibility?

Are you frustrated with social media?

Knowing Etsy doesn't have your back with their high seller fees, competition and you not getting any say or control

Tired of selling on Etsy?

Does This Sound Like You?

Did you just make a sale on Etsy but saw you now have to pay 30-50% Etsy fees?!

Are you spending all your time on social media and no one even sees your post?

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything but nothing works?

Is the frustration of trying
to make your business work leaving you bummed out and ready to give up?

All that uncertainty, disappointment and second-guessing is draining, to say the least! I’ve been there and it’s not a fun place to be. You’re not the only one struggling with these challenges.

I have some good news for you. 

I can help you.

Who Would You Rather Be?

Spends hours editing social media posts and figuring out what to say

Constantly studies up on current trends to keep customers coming in

Takes on every custom order for a low price and pulls all nighters to fulfill them
Creates automations that turn people into paying customers without her having to do the selling herself

Cuts her time spent on marketing by 75% by focusing on revenue generating activities

Partners with someone who already has an audience of her customers to help promote her products


Starving Artist Sally

Abundant Artist Amy

The A Sale A Day Roadmap
was born. It's the solution I created that built multiple 6-7 figure businesses without working full time hours.

and allowed me to ditch the Sally approach for good so I could make a consistent, reliable income every year

Etsy is rented space. You have no control over it and it can be taken away from you at any moment

Etsy encourages competition which in turn creates price wars to the bottom, decreasing your profitability

The Etsy life is a roller coaster. One day you might make a ton of sales, the next, it's crickets

Etsy fees are expensive and you're forced to offer free shipping or discounts to rank higher in search

Your brand isn't a very visible on Etsy, so customers tend to forget your shop name. This doesn't encourage business longevity

 See a profit breakdown on 30 sales/month
on Etsy vs your own site

But first, you have to understand a few truths

Go Back


Your own site

Profit comparison on 30 sales per month

What about social media?

Social media is a massive time suck doing all these things:

Keeping up with trends

Comparing yourself to others in the name of "research"

Algorithm changes and updates

Figuring out what to post, and what to say in your post

Getting hung up over vanity metrics

Worst of all, your posts get low reach and visibility. 

Did you know?

5% of your followers see your posts

1% of viewers click over to your shop

1% of visitors buy

That means, you need 200,000 followers on social media to make a sale a day

(It would take me 55 years to get there at a rate of 300 new followers per month!)

There's another way.
instead of building your own audience one person at a time,                                                                          

There's another way.
instead of building your own audience one person at a time,

why not borrow other people's audiences?

That's what we're all about!

You’ll develop a business that thrives for years to come and lets you live the life you’ve dreamed of! 

The A Sale A Day Business System includes over 35 hours of video lessons, transcripts, audio recordings, scripts, templates, calculators, and virtually every resource you need to start and grow your business.

This course will help you build a profitable, sustainable, long-term business online without the long hours

The program for creatives, makers and designers

Who want to build a successful, profitable business selling products you love making; a business that brings in revenue to sustain you, your family and your other passions!
This program is part course library, part group coaching, part community. 

Here's what you get access to:

The 3-Part A Sale A Day Roadmap

Attract the Right Customers with Ease

Make Sales on Autopilot

Get Daily Consistent Sales

Here's what you get access to:

The 3-Part A Sale A Day Roadmap

Attract the Right Customers with Ease

Make Sales on Autopilot

Get Daily Consistent Sales

Step 01
Easier sales

Step 02
automated sales

Step 03
Repeating sales

In this step, you'll create the foundation for an online business using the Perfect 5P's that will make your shop an inevitable success. 

You will create:

          A product that people fall in love with, and that sells itself!

          A profitable pricing strategy for your products that people will pay for

          A brand that stands out in a saturated market

          A product line that doesn't cost you a lot of money or supplies to make

Modules 1-5

Modules 6-7

Module 8

Step 01
Easier sales

Step 02
automated sales

Step 03
Repeating sales

It takes multiple impressions with your shop to buy from you. 99% of your visitors will not buy when they visit your shop. In this step, you'll create an automated sales machine using email marketing autoresponders. They'll do the selling for you, so you don't have to. 

You will have:

          Created your own shop that converts traffic into sales

          Set up money making autoresponders that sell your products for you even            when you're not working on your business      

Modules 1-5

Modules 6-9

Modules 10-12

Step 01
Easier sales

Step 02
automated sales

Step 03
Repeating sales

We'll borrow other people's followings to get the word out there about your shop. Let other people promote your products for you!

You will get:

          The entire step-by-step process for how to email other people and get                them to promote your products for you, without spending any money!

          A highly converting outreach system that gets the EASY YES, along with                pitch templates and subject lines to use

          The best low effort, high impact strategy to generate traffic on demand              that doesn't require you to work overtime or feel icky


Modules 1-5

Modules 6-9

Modules 10-12

Modules 1-5

Step 01
Easier sales

In this step, you'll create the foundation for an online business using the Perfect 5P's that will make your shop an inevitable success.

You will create:

A product that people fall in love with, and that sells itself!

A profitable pricing strategy for your products that people will pay for

A brand that stands out in a saturated market

A product line that doesn't cost you a lot of money or supplies to make

Modules 6-7

Step 02
Automated sales

It takes multiple impressions
with your shop to buy from you. 99% of your visitors will not buy when they visit your shop. In this step, you'll create an automated sales machine using email marketing autoresponders. They'll do the selling for you, so you don't have to.

You will have:

Created your own shop that converts traffic into sales

Set up money making autoresponders that sell your products for you even when you're not working on your business      

Module 8

Step 03
repeating sales

We'll borrow other people's followings to get the word out there about your shop. Let other people promote your products for you!

You will get:

The entire step-by-step process for how to email other people and get them to promote your products for you, without spending any money!

A highly converting outreach system that gets the EASY YES, along with pitch templates and subject lines to use

The best low effort, high impact strategy to generate traffic on demand that doesn't require you to work overtime or feel icky

A Sale A Day Email Templates & Scripts

Get proven email templates that have gotten products in a ton of huge national media outlets like Good Housekeeping, Seventeen magazine, Zoe Report, YouTubers with a million followers.

Send emails that stand out in a busy inbox, that actually get opened, read, and them saying yes to you. 

Get your products in front of millions of your ideal customers, all for free. You don't ever have to pay to borrow other people's audiences and be featured somewhere. 

Exclusive Media List of 5,000+ Contacts

You never have to wonder who to send emails to. This is the same database that professional PR agencies use but they're charging thousands of dollars for you to use.

This media list includes the names of some of the top magazines, newspapers, TV shows, blogs, radio stations and influencers, along with their email address, which can sometimes be hard to find with Google. 

This just makes the outreach process so much faster and easier for you. 

Automagic Email Marketing Vault

You don't have to worry about what to write in your emails, what subject lines to use or to figure all of this out on your own. 

Get over thirty emails from seven of Mei's own automated sales systems to help you automate your marketing and sales.
These are tested and proven emails that have generated tens of thousands of dollars for our own businesses as well as our students. 

You can literally copy and paste my emails or take inspiration from them so you can set up your sales systems ASAP.

Monthly Group Coaching

We support you through monthly group coaching sessions to answer any questions you have. Many people we've coached have amazing breakthroughs in these calls, because we really dig deep into the challenges you're facing, and we come up with a personalized solution that's unique to your own business.

We don't believe in a one size fits all answer. We take the time to listen and understand where you're at and what your goals are before we coach you. We LOVE these calls so much because they really help you get unstuck and our students always leave feeling motivated and inspired. 

Community Support

Get access to join the exclusive student-only forums where you find advice, strategy, and friends.

We are so proud of this space for other makers and artists. Ask questions 24/7 and other students who are ahead of you may chime in to help you out, or Mei or a Creative Hive coach will jump in to help you. Its our favorite place in the world because people are so friendly, warm and drama free.

Business besties are formed in the forums and we think that is such a beautiful thing and everyone needs a business bestie! 

Join today and receive these           exclusive bonuses that have helped my students go from a sale a week to four sales a day! 


Special Bonuses

Risk Free or Your Money Back!

100% Guaranteed Happiness

You Can Trust Us

Secure Checkout

Sign Up

A Sale A Day curriculum
Guest expert Q&A’s 
Mei’s Resources List 
PR List of 1000’s of Media Contacts 
Pitch Template & Email Samples 
Email Marketing Vault 
… and more!

$1,997 only

One Time Payment of

Best Value

Sign Up

A Sale A Day curriculum
Guest expert Q&A’s 
Mei’s Resources List 
PR List of 1000’s of Media Contacts 
Pitch Template & Email Samples 
Email Marketing Vault 
… and more!


12 Payments of

Most Flexible

The sooner you start, the sooner you can have that $1,000 in your pocket!

Get Started Now

"From A Sale Every 1-2 Weeks to 4 Sales A Day"

After struggling with low traffic and poor sales despite her best efforts, Melissa enrolled in A Sale A Day Business System and learned actionable steps to increase traffic. She says, “The floodgates opened!”

"I Feel Like a Legit Business"

I was a brand new mom with a brand new business. I had no idea what I was doing. As soon as I started implementing what I learned I felt like a legit business. Today, my husband can stay home with our baby girl instead of being on the road for weeks at a time."

"$7,000 in Watercolor Art Print Sales Last Month"

Kathy had taken another handmade sales course but she was left confused. Kathy joined A Sale A Day Business System because she found actionable steps and gained a ton of confidence along the way. She says, "I feel like a business owner, not a hobbyist."

"Only 16 Days Into The Month and I've Made 500 Orders"

Stephanie needed clarity on her online business idea. ASAD helped her solidify her idea and put it into practice. She says, "You can't do it alone. You need help. I would not be here without the A Sale A Day Business System program."

Student Results

View More Student Results

We officially started 1.5 years ago. We’re so close to $100,000 sales revenue… like $97,500 close. Excuse me while I go pick my chin up of the floor! I’m amazed, thankful and overwhelmed. 

So much of what I’ve learned has come through Mei Pak and the A Sale A Day Business System. I kid you not. She has walked me through so much and I’ll be forever grateful for the foundational principals she’s helped me set in place! (cuz, this girl from the backwoods of KY was kinda sorta clueless).

$97,500 In Sales After Only Less Than 2 Years In Business

I am a mature age participant (yes a granny of nearly 60) of your course and have benefitted from it soooo much! My husband and I have had a business for over 23 years in recycled timber picture frames. We have had great moments with it where we earned an enormous amount and have brought up 4 children on this business. But! We were doing markets, festivals and fairs. When we look back on this we realised just how intensely hard we worked, especially hubbie Simon.

Simon and I have retired from doing markets thanks to everything I have learnt and applied from your course. We are making a sale a day, which is great, because this is enough to give us a modest income.

Retired From Markets And Making A Sale A Day

There is no way we’d still be in business if we hadn’t signed up for your class! 

Last summer we were trudging around doing low-profit, high-stress craft markets plus Etsy. This summer we have our own website, a highly interested following on social media, our own subscription program, and have made just about double the money we invested in your program last fall. 

I graduated several years ago with a bachelor’s degree in marketing. A Sale A Day has proved much more useful than my degree!

I Have a BA in Marketing. A Sale a Day Is More Useful!”

and help you go from $0 to your first $1k month selling your handmade products

A Sale A Day Business System is the only program that shows you how to build a profitable, long-term business that doesn't take all your time to do

Hello, I'm

Mei Pak!

I started Creative Hive in 2014 out of a love of sharing my marketing experiments I was doing in my jewelry business, Tiny Hands, which I still run to this day. That business makes multiple six figures every year. In 2019, I also started a new art shop online that makes 7-figures annually.

I love helping people, and seeing fellow creatives and artists succeed in what they were born to do!

What I did to turn my business around was really pretty ordinary and simple.
And something you can do, too!

And you can start right here, right now. Together we can change your business from

barely surviving to totally thriving! 

I’ve run my small handmade business since 2006, and I’ve been doing this full time since 2011. I helped my husband quit his job in 2013 and my business alone support us both. We bought our house, pay all our bills on time, and have lots more time to spend together! 

And that’s why I’m making my course so affordable. Because I’ve been where you are with not a ton of cash to invest, but a need, an overwhelming desire, to turn a dream into a reality. 

You might have seen my jewelry in inTouch, Rachael Ray, The Chew, Incredible Things, Daily Candy, Hello Giggles, Huffington Post and even on the TV show Parks and Recreation!

I’m so excited to help you and have you join me and the A Sale A Day Business System community. 

I know I can help you because I’ve helped many others who are also struggling to get sales with their handmade, handcrafted products, designs, and creations. 

I went from barely making it to over $200,000/year selling my handmade products! I designed my handmade jewelry at Tiny Hands where I've sold in over 100 stores, and lead a team of four production assistants. This business has now made over $1M in sales to date.

I built this course over years of trial and error, testing dozens of concepts and figuring out what works and what doesn’t for my handmade business.

I know it will work for you if you let it.

Build your life around your passion of creating, not around that 9-5 job you endure

Get your first big wholesale order

Start growing your business and hitting consistent $1,000 months 

Build a business that supports your life and your family 

Show people that your “hobby” is way more than that

Feel fulfilled from the impact you're making with your products

Have the freedom to work when and where, on your terms

Create a life that you and your family are passionate about 

You’re Ready For A Sale A Day Business System
If You Want To:

I want to make this easy for you. You deserve to give A Sale A Day Business System a try so you can see for yourself what a smart investment this course truly is.

If you can show evidence you’ve done the work prescribed in the course and haven’t seen a change in your life or business. Valid for one year. 

I will refund you 2x your investment

I believe it’s a tragedy when an artist or maker with amazing talent and beautiful products can’t get their work seen by their right people, simply because they don’t have an effective business plan. 

I want you to have what you need to share your talent with the world, and so I’m offering you an unbeatable guarantee. My promise to you is this:

My Promise To You

Risk Free or Your Money Back!

100% Guaranteed Happiness

You Can Trust Us

Secure Checkout

Sign Up

A Sale A Day curriculum
Guest expert Q&A’s 
Mei’s Resources List 
PR List of 1000’s of Media Contacts 
Pitch Template & Email Samples 
Email Marketing Vault 
… and more!

$1,997 only

One Time Payment of

Best Value

Sign Up

A Sale A Day curriculum
Guest expert Q&A’s 
Mei’s Resources List 
PR List of 1000’s of Media Contacts 
Pitch Template & Email Samples 
Email Marketing Vault 
… and more!


12 Payments of

Most Flexible

The sooner you start, the sooner you can have that $1,000 in your pocket!

Get Started Now

In case I missed anything, here are some commonly asked questions!

What if this doesn’t work for me?

I know signing up for a course feels like a huge risk. The only way you’ll really ever know if it’ll work for you is if you try it for yourself. If you follow my system and do the work, and even after getting free coaching from me, if nothing works, then I’ll give you 2x your money back. 

Will this course work for creatives living outside of the US?

Absolutely! In fact, we have many students who’ve gone through the course who don’t live in the US. We have students from the UK, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Germany and so on. This course is about how to make online sales so it doesn’t matter where you live.

What if I don't know what to sell yet. Is this course still suitable for me?

If you’ve got a blank slate when you start this course, you’ve got the head start because you’ll be starting with the right foot forward. Otherwise you may have to relearn new concepts and unlearn old habits as opposed to coming at it fresh and ready to go! 

I’m a fine artist. Will this program work for me?

Yes! As long as you are open to selling prints or products with your art on them, the course is perfect you. Making a sale a day is what gives you consistent income. By diversifying your business where you sell not just your original art, you make it more accessible and more likely to provide you with a steady income. 

I’ve taken a lot of other courses, I’ve done a lot of research. Will I learn anything new?

Knowing and doing aren’t the same thing, as anyone who’s tried to get in shape will tell you, right? You can’t lose weight or get fit from watching other people exercise. And just because you have the knowledge and know how to do something, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to do it. I show you the exact systems for taking action, which is the most important thing you need to do once you have the knowledge. And remember, what got you here, won’t get you there.

How much time will it take to go through the course?

An hour a day is all you need to be on track for great results with this program! The more you can give, the faster you'll get there.

When will I see results?

If you follow the course exactly, you'll start making sales in less than a month from setting up your foundations. 

I'm Ready To Sign Up!

Got anymore questions? Email me at or send me an Instagram DM at @creativehiveco